Thursday 20 June 2013


So I promised myself that i would blog every single week, which was then brought down to every single month which was brought down to whenever I felt like it. I thought i could easily come up with an average rated piece but the last time I tried that-EPIC FAIL!!!! Only 48 people read it, and I'm sure my Mum read it 47 times.
I've been occupied, blowing my own trumpet after my HSC results(i meant the instrument,not the figure of speech)! Anyway, I got into Xavier s, the college of my dreams! And i know quite a few people in my class and quite a few seniors are my good ol' pals! So no adjustment issues,bla bla bla issues,etc.

Okay, yes! I know you all are probably wondering how this piece qualifies for a "LESSONS OF LIFE", just getting to that in a second. So I have friends in my class, seniors who are close friends, so there is no need for me to suck up to other seniors for notes and stuff right? BUT I TRIED TO! I DID! I TRIED TO DO THAT! In fact I was just about to when i realized what i was doing and thought voila! I could turn this episode into an inspirational advice column!

Please don't try to impress people and especially not your seniors, they are much smarter and have been through the entire process to know exactly what you're up to. Not only will you be caught, but you shall only be ridiculed about and turned into a laughing stock. So please don't try and make any CONTACTS, if you need help people shall help you. And popularity? Don't worry about that, it comes and goes with time and place. So chill, have a good time and don't try too hard to impress your seniors, they know exactly what you're doing.

All the best if you've just entered college as well! I hope you have a great college life!

College is fun!
This is not a pun!
Rhyming word that make sense, can think of none! 
Bye Bye now! Hope you don't own a gun! 

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