Friday, 28 June 2013

The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret

Okay, so I was listening to Queens Of The Stone Age(one of my favorite bands) and I happened to stumble upon this song- The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret and realized that the song actually makes sense. And please do check the band out, it's pretty awesome! Anyway, I shall now unfold the mystery of circulating juicy gossip.
 We all have that one best friend or best friends with whom we share our deepest and darkest secrets. We tend to forget the fact that they also have that one best friend with whom they share their deepest and darkest secrets which indirectly permits them to reveal your secrets to that one friend.
That's how the cycle goes on.
This one time, i told my friend something and she solemnly swore to keep her mouth shut. After a couple of days another friend of mine came up to me and told me my own secret. I felt embarrassed, annoyed, betrayed,amused all at the same time. I laughed it off so my friends life wasn't in jeopardy.
We all gossip. I would be a liar if I said I didn't.I try not to,but sometimes if I'm really really bored I do ask people to update me with the "current affairs".
Gossiping is an art. There is a way to do it. So here are a few tips to keep the gossip harmless and saving your friend from having a psychotic impulse to hunt you down and kill you or cut your tongue off.
RULE NO.1: If you have to gossip and you cannot think of anything better to do, try to keep the victim of the gossip as anonymous as possible. That way their identity will be concealed and the news will be considered a buffoonery and forgotten.
RULE NO.2: Try to keep the gossip limited to the victims embarrassing encounters and avoid personal issues,details. That is completely against the code of a true gossiper, because exposing personal details just makes you a cow.
RULE NO.3:Choose your words wisely. Say precisely what is meant to be said and nothing more. Don't exaggerate the details. If the identity of the victim is inferred, you will be killed.
RULE NO.4:If you can't follow the above mentioned rules and need to violate them, maintain a diary and keep it in hiding. Spill your brains out in it if you please. You have the freedom to think whatever you like,but freedom of speech-sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut.
Okay! So, I hope this was helpful. I refuse to be a hypocrite and say don't gossip but please don't harm your friendship just for a few minutes of fun. And understand the difference between gossiping and dishing. I know it's hard to conceal news but if you find the need to gossip,keep one thing in mind: you are putting your friendship on the line. So if you think it's worth the risk, you have nothing to worry about. I know gossiping is like smoking. the resemblance being:they are both hard to quit. But where there is a will,there is a way. I've cut down. It wasn't a piece of cake,but every time I thought of gossiping I commemorated the fact that I expect my friend to keep my secrets so it's only fair if I do the same. And if I need to gossip,I follow the code of conduct(came up with them myself.Copyrights).
So here's the song that inspired me.Check it out. Check the band out. No fun rhyme this time! Bye Bye!

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The Fear Of Dealing With Loss

Okay, let's be honest. We all have a lot of fears. i have an endless list. Every single one of us is scared of something or the other. According to leading psychologists, there are three main kinds of phobias : specific,social and agora.

I am scared of sharks. I'm petrified of them! In spite of being so scared of them I have seen Jaws, Jaws 2,Jaws 3-D, Jaws: The Revenge, Deep Blue Sea,Open Water,The Reef,Great White,Deep Blood,etc. way too many times than i should have. Smart huh? I have no clue why I did that. Not the faintest of ideas. My sister often used to trouble me when we went to the beach. I almost drowned once because she had convinced me that a great white was coming my way. But then i found out that sharks don't come so close to the shore! Objection! I beg to differ! I can bet my last dollar that that's not how they portrayed the species in Jaws!

Enough with the sharks now. Okay, now I'm going to be completely honest. I'm also scared of losing people. THERE! I SAID IT! I'm petrified of losing people.There is a saying," To win some, You lose some". RUBBISH!  I don't think so! I hate getting attached to people and then losing them!  I know it's a weird fear!  But we all have that one weird fear. The world thinks you're a nutcase for being scared of such a silly thing and we say the same for theirs. It's normal! So ya! I'm scared of losing people and so are many others. I checked. I'm not the only one :P
And I think I've learnt how to deal with it so i thought why don't i help my fellow travelers.

Now when it comes to dealing with that, the trick is................there is no trick. You just have to let go. I still find myself in knots when I face the situation.
But people always leave! They don't mean to hurt you or leave you. But sometimes they just can't help it.That's just the way of life I guess. You may feel sad for a while but don't let your life come to a stand still.Let go. It is the only way. New people come. You may miss the old ones but there is not much you can do about it. And it hurts for a while but it gets better.
Remember one thing L.I.F.E .G.O.E.S. O.N. So yes, this is what i have to say to you. Life goes on and you should too :)

P.s. If you're afraid of Great Whites stay away from Dyer Islands,South Africa. It's known to be INFESTED with them(I've done my research on them. Major phobia and slight obsession due to major phobia,so).

Oh! And here comes the fun song!

Have no fear!
Even though Zorro isn't here!
Wipe your tears!
And grab a chilled beer!

Thursday, 20 June 2013


So I promised myself that i would blog every single week, which was then brought down to every single month which was brought down to whenever I felt like it. I thought i could easily come up with an average rated piece but the last time I tried that-EPIC FAIL!!!! Only 48 people read it, and I'm sure my Mum read it 47 times.
I've been occupied, blowing my own trumpet after my HSC results(i meant the instrument,not the figure of speech)! Anyway, I got into Xavier s, the college of my dreams! And i know quite a few people in my class and quite a few seniors are my good ol' pals! So no adjustment issues,bla bla bla issues,etc.

Okay, yes! I know you all are probably wondering how this piece qualifies for a "LESSONS OF LIFE", just getting to that in a second. So I have friends in my class, seniors who are close friends, so there is no need for me to suck up to other seniors for notes and stuff right? BUT I TRIED TO! I DID! I TRIED TO DO THAT! In fact I was just about to when i realized what i was doing and thought voila! I could turn this episode into an inspirational advice column!

Please don't try to impress people and especially not your seniors, they are much smarter and have been through the entire process to know exactly what you're up to. Not only will you be caught, but you shall only be ridiculed about and turned into a laughing stock. So please don't try and make any CONTACTS, if you need help people shall help you. And popularity? Don't worry about that, it comes and goes with time and place. So chill, have a good time and don't try too hard to impress your seniors, they know exactly what you're doing.

All the best if you've just entered college as well! I hope you have a great college life!

College is fun!
This is not a pun!
Rhyming word that make sense, can think of none! 
Bye Bye now! Hope you don't own a gun!