Saturday, 19 July 2014

The Dead Blog's Resurrection

Hello everyone. I know it’s been several months since I last wrote and my IndiBlogger ranking has taken a plummet. I’m not surprised at the consequences of my disappearance as they are quite reasonable and expected.
I sincerely apologize for utter silence for such a prolonged period. I have been busy,tackling a few issues that required my immediate attention. And apart from being occupied, I’ve been catching up on some reading. Quite a lot, actually.
I’m sure you all are wondering what the fantastic lesson that I intend to impart in this "resurrectory" piece is.
The lesson is quite plain and simple, honestly. It’s something so commonly known but so seldom applied to one’s own experiences.
The lesson is called.......





Honestly. How simple is it, but yet so difficult(Wow! Another one of my epic oxymorons!) I was so tired of my monotonous life and the fact that I’m a tiny bit of an introvert doesn’t really help make my life any less monotonous.

 So... I simply cut off. I didn’t do anything that didn’t interest me or simply I didn’t want to do. I read several books, watched a few good films( Fight Club- mind frickin blowing!, Taxi Driver,The Silence Of The Lambs- Anthony Hopkins, You senxy beast!, etc.), met a few friends( 5 to be exact). Yup. That’s all I did.

Sometimes, Life just gets on your nerves. I know I’ve personified Life, I know it’s not a real person or else by now several people would’ve beaten it up or it would’ve been sentenced to public execution by STONING!

When this happens, take a break. You. Need. To.Calm.Down. It’s like wen we fall. We don’t immediately get up. It takes a few seconds for your brain to register the fall and then the damage done before you can finally use the support of your hands to stand up. Same principle here.

Take a break if you’re feeling unhappy. Do things that you like. Eat food you enjoy. Meet those whose company you like. Stay away from that which makes you unhappy. Do this, and you’ll get back on your feet with a lot more balance than you had much before your fall.

Think about it. Act upon it.