Wednesday, 9 April 2014

There Are Several Who Hear... But How Many Listen?

We need people. Some of us may deny it, some of us may suppress the desire of wanting another human being who can care for us, who can love us.

People who truly care about us accept us the way we are even when we don't accept ourselves at times. They lend a hand to pull us out from under our beds when all we want to do is hide in the darkest corners we can find. They see the greater good in us which we refuse to acknowledge. They urge us to love ourselves and see ourselves with the loving eyes with which they see us.

And most importantly they aren't afraid of us. They don't want to change us. They refuse to leave us even when we try extremely hard to push them away.

They aren't ashamed of being associated with us, they parade our greatness and put it up for the entire world to see. They might be upset with us sometimes but that is simply because they are sick of seeing us constantly hurting ourselves. They do everything in their power to restore our happiness. They rush to support us through our toughest times.

They are the one's who listen to us. They are the one's who love us.

Look around you, you will find them and they'll find you. And when you do, I want you to think about something. You must've done something right or worthwhile to deserve such love. It's high time you love yourself a little then? :)