Sunday, 29 December 2013

It's Easy Being Mean...

Hello! For the first time, I'm blogging in a negative frame of mind. It's just that a few things, rather people have been bothering me off late. Mean people. Yes, mean people bother me, as they do to everyone. And I'm not writing this because I think I've been victimized but simply because I've also witnessed others being victims to mindless and insensitive ridicule.

I've seen a few kinds of mean and i'd like to enlist them.

1) THE DISGUISE: These kind of mean normally prey on the weak and insecure and on those who hold on to their guard. They broadcast these insecurities in forms of jokes or 'casual taunts'. Now, they want to portray themselves as being funny and casual but the victim and the perpetrator are the only two who know the intentions aren't casual but exactly the opposite.

2) THE STINGER: These kind of mean are usually people who are close to you. In fits of anger they blurt out things about you, that you once shared with them in confidence. That truly stings. Intentional or not, it's still a rather mean thing to do.

3) THE FOE: They are the enemy. But they pretend to be your friend because unfortunately for them you're the most liked person in the group. And since they are your 'pretend friend' they think they can get away with poking fun at you or hitting you which normally you would let go with a friend. So these means take advantage of the situation and do mean things. They abide by the quote "KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE BUT KEEP YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER" a little too seriously :P

4) THE BETRAYER: They were close to you once upon a time, but turned against you for some reason. They use your personal issues and secrets that you confided to them in confidence as a punch line to a very mean joke just to hit you where it hurts. Now, there's no need to do that, but that's how they think is the most successful method of bringing you down.

5) THE QUEEN MEAN: They are the worst kind of mean. They have no ulterior motive or advantage over you or their activities, but they're mean only because they like being mean. Causing discomfort or misery to another simply gives them some twisted form of evil satisfaction. They don't go out of their way to harm you. They simply do things which irritate you the most and upset you to a degree which claims their victory.

So. I've stated the kinds of mean that I've encountered.    My fellow victims, all I can tell you is don't stoop to their level and don't allow them the satisfaction of having affected you.

 It's so easy being mean. Have you  tried being nice? If  we have a certain problem with an individual we simply ignore their quirks or learn to accept them, if ignoring them is out of the question. Their is no need to be mingy or penny pinching.

We all come across people that we dislike but being mean to them has no justification whatsoever. If you ask me, being mean cannot be justified at all. So instead of being a birdbrain prigy snob, we can simply ignore the person. Saves a lot of mind juggling and plotting and unhappiness, don't you think?

All I can say is, it's easy being mean, but try once to be nice. You might actually like it.

Okay, I don't like leaving my readers in an uncomfortable state of mind. So after you're done reading this watch this. It'll help lighten you up. I watch it every time I feel low. Works better than magic at making me smile.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Reflections Of A Monomaniacal Student

Hello! I know it's been a while, but I honestly didn't want to write about something just for the sake of keeping my blog alive! Don't worry! My blog shall live as long as... I have easy access to internet! Of course! Why? What were you thinking?

Anyway, I've been busy( No, not really). Alright I've been pretending to be busy(no actually I was a little busy reading,watching television and films). Okay, I'm rambling!

I'm a bit nervous because my university exams are right around the corner and waiting to spring at me any second now and I'm terrified. I've put in a couple of hours of regular studies so that I wouldn't panic at the last minute but I did end up panicking AS ALWAYS. It dawned on me that these exams are very crucial to maintain a steady grade, which I intend to and to do so I must score well in each and every subject.

Yup, the chip on my shoulder weighs a 100 pounds and it's getting heavier and heavier. Exams have become such a HUGE deal nowadays and I think that's actually isn't  the purpose of answering them. The purpose is figuring out how much knowledge you've acquired at the end of the term and the manner in which you apply that knowledge is evaluated.

The entire system has been reconstructed into a meaningless competition only to establish the superiority of X's memory from Y's. Personally, I think it's silly and meaningless. Unfortunately my thinking so doesn't change the fact that I am also a part of this system and a monomaniacal competitor.

This affects me gravely. I feel nervous, I keep pondering about how much effort and how many hours my fellow competitors are putting in, I eat less,sleep is out of the question and I keep ringing up my friends and ramble constantly about how ill-prepared I am and how miserably I shall fare at least 15 times a day. Since most of my reserve energy is squandered, I spend the rest of the day lazing. Sounds pointless, doesn't it?

Why do we care so much? Why do we bother SO MUCH MORE THAN IS GOOD FOR US? Aiming high and achieving your goals and a little bit of friendly competition to make the predicament a tad bit fun is alright. But, turning it into some horrible catastrophe is pathetic.

So if you are a monomaniacal competitor like me( rather like what I was) here's what I want you to do:

1)EAT CHOCOLATE: Yes! I want you to buy yourself a lovely bar of chocolate, something a bit fancy maybe and eat away! If you're diabetic, buy yourself a low sugar one and eat away! With each bite I want you to think about nothing but that creamy chocolate melting in your mouth.

2)MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS: Why do you care how he/she studies? Do it your own way, you are you and learn to be happy with it.

3)CALL A STERN FRIEND WHO'LL TELL YOU THE SAME: It's tough. Not minding your own business I know! Been there,done that. So call a friend you know will tell you to mind your own business and won't allow you even a sniff.

4)SLEEP: You know you need it. and you know you want it!

5)DON'T FEEL INTIMIDATED: Okay, this is a big one. Your parents, family, society in general is going to intimidate you. Your parents will do it unknowingly but they will. And if you're smart, you'll figure out when you are amidst an on going session. I want you to leave,run, flee from the conversation without being even a tad bit rude. Don't go into a limbo or self-loathe mode( nice term, right?). You don't need to slog after such a conversation only because you feel obligated to please your parents and the society. There is only one person you need to please. The Dalai Lama's Cat. Yes, that's who you need to please, even though I mentioned person( I've never quite understood why they call him 'The' Dalai Lama. That's grammatically incorrect.)
Jokes apart. You need to please yourself. Feel satisfied with your own efforts and your own achievement. If you're happy you'll make everyone around you happy(conditions apply*)
 I'm a very philosophical person with very abysmal thoughts and ideas so I think I'm going to stick to the point and say, don't feel intimidated by what people say to you. They say all sorts of things for various reasons but there is no need to feel intimidated,that's all.

6)GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT: That's all that matters.

I sincerely hope this was helpful. Do well for your exams. Relax, it's a big deal but not as huge as your perception of it. Be happy :)

Here's a song to give you a boost :)