Friday 4 October 2013

Dear Teacher...

Hello! I think you're all probably wondering what this ones' about. Well, here's a suggestion...why don't you just read it ;) Haha! This is probably the only funny thing you'll read in this one. Umm,okay, I admit it, it wasn't funny either.

I'm a student, and I've noticed the way most students talk to and about teachers. It is extremely shameful and rather upsetting. Hardly one out of ten students genuinely respect their teachers. I'm not referring to myself as a 'Miss Goodie Two Shoes' and claiming to be the most well-mannered person that ever walked the planet.

I've also had my share of making fun of teachers,imitating them and correcting them in case they made an error. But, I've never done so with the intention to hurt or to insult any of them. Neither have I needlessly corrected them nor have I ever made a very nasty remark simply for the sake of trying to establish myself as a little superior to them. I've witnessed all of this happening to teachers and I personally feel that it is very wrong.

So, this post it dedicated to all the teachers in the world and I'm writing this letter, expressing my gratitude to them.

Dear Teacher,
I think you are amazing. You have taught me how to hold a pen and taught me how to use it wisely. You've taught me inside a classroom, how to succeed outside it. You've never wronged me,only showed me what was wrong and ensured I made it right. You've given me your best, and hoped for my best. You've shown anger, only to express your concern. You've taught me with love and treated me with care. And for all of this, I thank you. Thank you so much, FOR EVERYTHING.

A Student.